Zabbix configuration for network monitoring

This article serves as a zabbix network monitoring tutorial, guiding readers through the process of setting up and configuring Zabbix for efficient network oversight. It covers essential aspects such as implementing the Zabbix agent, understanding the system’s architecture, and exploring advanced monitoring techniques. Readers will learn to use this zabbix monitoring tool to its full potential, from basic traffic monitoring to complex network interface monitoring. By the end, they’ll have the knowledge to leverage Zabbix for robust network health management and performance optimization.

Setting Up Zabbix Server and Agent

Installing Zabbix Server

To install Zabbix server, update the system and add the Zabbix repository:


sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_6.0-1+ubuntu20.04_all.deb
sudo apt update

Then, install Zabbix server, frontend, and agent:

sudo apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-agent

Configuring Database

Create a MySQL database for Zabbix:

sudo mysql -u root -p
create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by 'yourpassword';
flush privileges;

Import the initial schema:

zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix

Installing Zabbix Agent

The Zabbix agent is typically installed alongside the server. For remote hosts, use the appropriate package manager:

For Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt install zabbix-agent

For CentOS/RHEL:

sudo yum install zabbix-agent

Initial Server Configuration

Edit the Zabbix server configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

Update the following lines:


Restart Zabbix services:

sudo systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2
sudo systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2

Configuring Network Monitoring

Adding Hosts

To configure a host, navigate to Data collection → Hosts or Monitoring → Hosts. Click “Create host” and enter the host name, select host groups, and specify the IP address or DNS name. Link templates to inherit entities like items and triggers. Set up interfaces for agent, SNMP, JMX, or IPMI monitoring.

Creating Items

To create an item, go to Configuration → Hosts, click on Items, and select “Create item”. Define the item name, type, and key. Specify the host interface, data type, and update interval. Set history and trend storage periods, and link the item to applications if needed.

Setting Up Triggers

Configure triggers by going to Data collection → Hosts, clicking on Triggers, and selecting “Create trigger”. Enter the trigger name, severity, and expression. Define the problem event generation mode and recovery options. Add tags for event correlation and set dependencies if required.

Configuring Notifications

Set up email notifications by configuring the email media type in Alerts → Media types. Create a new action in Alerts → Actions → Trigger actions. Define conditions and operations, specifying the user to receive notifications and the media type to use.

Understanding Zabbix Architecture

Zabbix architecture comprises several key components that work together to enable efficient network monitoring. The Zabbix server acts as the central hub, collecting data from agents and proxies. It performs polling, calculates triggers, and sends notifications to users. Zabbix agents, installed on monitored hosts, gather local resource and application data. Zabbix proxies can collect performance and availability data on behalf of the server, ideal for monitoring remote locations or distributing load. The database backend stores all configuration, statistical, and operational data. This modular architecture allows for flexible and scalable network monitoring solutions.

Implementing Network Discovery

Zabbix’s network discovery feature automates host detection and monitoring setup. To configure a discovery rule, navigate to Data collection → Discovery and click “Create discovery rule.” Define the IP range, update interval, and checks to perform. Set device uniqueness criteria and host naming conventions. Enable the rule to start discovery.

Configuring Network Discovery Rules

Specify checks like SSH, LDAP, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, POP, NNTP, IMAP, TCP, Telnet, Zabbix agent, and SNMP. Define ports for each check. Set the maximum number of concurrent checks per type for parallel processing.

Setting Up Auto-Registration

Active agent auto-registration allows automatic monitoring of new hosts. Configure an action for auto-registration in Configuration → Actions. Define conditions and operations like adding hosts to groups and linking templates.

Managing Discovered Hosts

Discovered hosts are added to the “Discovered hosts” group by default. Create actions to add hosts to specific groups based on discovery events. Use conditions like “Discovery status: up” to avoid unwanted host creation.

Troubleshooting Discovery Issues

Check for file descriptor limits when using a large number of concurrent checks. Monitor discovery events and adjust rules as needed. Ensure proper network connectivity and firewall configurations for successful discovery.

Advanced Zabbix Monitoring Techniques

Zabbix offers advanced monitoring techniques to enhance network oversight. These include using templates, implementing low-level discovery, configuring SNMP monitoring, and setting up web monitoring. Templates provide flexible and reusable monitoring solutions, while low-level discovery automates the creation of items, triggers, and graphs for different entities. SNMP monitoring allows for efficient tracking of network devices, and web monitoring enables comprehensive checks of website availability and performance. These techniques empower administrators to create robust, scalable monitoring systems tailored to their specific infrastructure needs.

Using Templates

Templates in Zabbix serve as containers for transferring monitoring configurations between server instances. They encapsulate items, triggers, graphs, and other entities, making them ideal for sharing monitoring solutions within the Zabbix community. When creating templates, it’s crucial to focus on flexibility, reusability, and modularity. Use low-level discovery and user macros to enhance adaptability across different environments. Avoid adding project-specific metrics to resource templates, and strive for a balance between comprehensive monitoring and simplicity.

Implementing Low-Level Discovery

Low-level discovery (LLD) in Zabbix automates the creation of items, triggers, and graphs for different entities on a computer. This feature is particularly useful for monitoring dynamic environments where the number of network interfaces, mounted filesystems, or SNMP OIDs may change. LLD rules consist of an item that discovers entities and prototypes for items, triggers, and graphs. When the server receives a discovery item value, it generates real entities based on the prototypes and discovered macro values.

Configuring SNMP Monitoring

SNMP monitoring is widely used in Zabbix but can be challenging to configure. It supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3, each with different security levels and complexities. To set up SNMP monitoring, administrators need to:

  1. Identify the correct SNMP OIDs for desired metrics
  2. Configure the SNMP interface on the host in Zabbix
  3. Create SNMP items using the discovered OIDs

SNMPv3 offers enhanced security but requires more complex configuration, including user creation and parameter settings.

Setting Up Web Monitoring

Zabbix web monitoring allows checking various aspects of website availability and performance. To implement web monitoring:

  1. Define web scenarios consisting of HTTP requests or “steps”
  2. Configure scenario parameters, including authentication if required
  3. Set up data collection for metrics such as download speed, response time, and response codes

Web scenarios can be attached to hosts or templates, making them reusable across multiple monitored systems. Zabbix can also verify if retrieved HTML pages contain specific strings, simulating user interactions like logins and navigation.

Optimizing Zabbix Performance

Tuning Database Performance

Zabbix heavily relies on database performance. To optimize MySQL for Zabbix, it’s crucial to balance the load across multiple hard drives. This can be achieved by configuring parameters such as datadir, innodb_data_file_path, and innodb_log_group_home_dir. The InnoDB buffer pool is a key factor, with a recommended setting of 50-75% of available memory on dedicated database servers.

Configuring Housekeeping

The Zabbix housekeeper process is responsible for deleting outdated information. Proper configuration of housekeeping tasks is essential for maintaining optimal performance. Administrators can enable or disable housekeeping tasks for events, alerts, IT services, user sessions, history, and trends. It’s important to set appropriate data retention periods to balance performance and data storage needs.

Effective management of history and trends data is crucial for Zabbix performance. History stores each collected value, while trends keep hourly averaged information. Administrators can set custom retention periods for both history and trends. It’s recommended to keep history for shorter periods (e.g., 14 days) and trends for longer periods (e.g., 5 years) to optimize database performance and storage usage.

Implementing Distributed Monitoring

For large environments, Zabbix offers two main solutions for distributed monitoring: proxies and nodes. Proxies collect data locally and report to a central Zabbix server, while nodes are full Zabbix servers set up in a hierarchy. When choosing between proxies and nodes, consider factors such as lightweight operation, GUI requirements, and centralized configuration needs.

Visualizing Network Data

Zabbix offers powerful tools for visualizing network data, enhancing network monitoring efficiency. Custom dashboards provide a centralized view of critical metrics. Users can create dashboards with widgets displaying graphs, maps, and status indicators. Maps offer a graphical representation of the network topology, allowing for easy identification of issues. Screens group information from various sources for quick overviews. Reports can be scheduled and sent to specified recipients, providing regular updates on network performance. These visualization options enable administrators to gain insights into network health and quickly respond to potential problems.

Creating Custom Dashboards

Dashboards in Zabbix allow users to create personalized views of network data. Widgets can be added to display graphs, maps, and other relevant information. Users can resize and move widgets to customize the layout. Dynamic items enable the display of data from different hosts within a single dashboard.

Configuring Maps

Maps provide a visual representation of the network infrastructure. Users can add elements such as hosts, host groups, and triggers to the map. Links between elements can be configured to show the status of connections. Background images and custom icons can be used to enhance the map’s appearance.

Setting Up Screens

Screens in Zabbix allow users to group information from various sources. Elements such as graphs, maps, and plain text can be added to screen cells. Screens can be made public or private, with sharing options available for private screens. Dynamic elements can be used to display data from different hosts within a single screen.

Generating Reports

Zabbix supports scheduled reports, allowing for regular updates on network performance. Reports can be based on dashboards and sent to specified recipients via email. Users can configure report generation frequency, start and end dates, and customize the email subject and message.


Zabbix has proven to be a powerful tool to monitor network performance and security. Its comprehensive features, from basic traffic monitoring to complex network interface oversight, give organizations the ability to keep a watchful eye on their infrastructure. The step-by-step configuration process, coupled with advanced techniques like templates and low-level discovery, enables administrators to create tailored monitoring solutions. This adaptability makes Zabbix a go-to choice for businesses looking to enhance their network health management.

The visualization capabilities of Zabbix, including custom dashboards and interactive maps, play a key role in making network data more accessible and actionable. These tools allow for quick identification of issues and informed decision-making. As networks continue to grow in complexity, Zabbix’s scalable architecture and performance optimization features ensure it remains a reliable solution for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging Zabbix, organizations can stay ahead of potential network problems and maintain optimal performance in their digital operations.


1. How do I set up Zabbix for effective network monitoring?
To set up Zabbix for network monitoring, modify the configuration file by running sudo vi /usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf. Update the ServerActive parameter with the IP address or DNS name of your Zabbix server, for example, ServerActive= Ensure the Hostname parameter matches the host name defined in the Zabbix frontend, like Hostname=Remote host. Finally, restart the Zabbix agent using systemctl restart zabbix-agent.

2. Is Zabbix a reliable tool for network monitoring?
Yes, Zabbix is highly effective for network monitoring. It offers real-time monitoring capabilities for network devices, servers, and applications, enabling organizations to proactively identify and address issues before they affect business operations.

3. What are the steps to configure Zabbix from scratch?
To configure Zabbix from the beginning, start by selecting a Linux distribution. Update your system, then install the Zabbix server and its components. Set up the database and import the initial schema and data. Configure the Zabbix server settings, and finally, restart and enable the Zabbix server to complete the setup.

4. How can I initiate monitoring in Zabbix?
To begin monitoring with Zabbix, log into the Zabbix frontend and create a host in the Zabbix web interface. Under the Interfaces parameter, add an Agent interface and provide the IP address or DNS name of the Linux machine where the agent is installed. In the Templates parameter, type or select ‘Linux by Zabbix agent’.

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